An Investigation of Computer-Based Brain Training on Cognitive and EEG Performance of Employees

Optios scientists are pioneers of neuroperformance research. In 2019, they announced the results of a groundbreaking study that revealed how neuroplasticity can target and modify functional brain networks. These findings were presented at the Annual International Conference of the IEEE in Chicago and published by ResearchGate. In 2020, The Platypus Institute became Optios.

This research study by Optios’ science team evaluated corporate employees (n=21) at Fujitsu who underwent neurocognitive training programs to assess EEG-derived changes in brain activation and network connectivity. Overall, the study demonstrated positive benefits for the group of participants in several areas of neurocognitive task performance.



For the brain training, subjects were given an initial assessment, a six-week “boost” or intervention period, and then a reassessment to track the progress of each participant, all using an individualized BrainHQ training program. BrainHQ is an online brain-training system available to the public from Posit Science. Assessments utilized an independent battery of neurocognitive tasks (i.e. DANA Standards) with concurrent EEG recordings.

Subjects were split into two groups: a long-training group that averaged 30 hours of total training during the period and a short-training group that averaged seven hours of training. EEG analysis included measurements of band power at electrodes and brain sources as well as information flow between brain sources.


Note: Higher bars are better, Tier1 individuals who trained more hours showed more growth on the training exercises and performed 7 percentage points higher overall with measured gains in Attention, Brain Speed and People Skills. Performance on the Intelligence tasks were not statically different across the two training groups.

Key Findings:

  • The Cognitive Control Network, a functional brain network involved in decision-making, was effectively targeted for neuroplasticity-based brain training.
  • Following the boost programs, both the long- and short-training groups showed significant improvements on several independent measures of cognitive efficiency along several DANA tasks, as well as changes in the Cognitive Control Network of the brain.
  • The long-training group demonstrated better performance in terms of speed and accuracy, adding support to the validity of the brain training program.

“Optios’ research shows that we can effectively make the brains of corporate employees perform faster and stronger by targeting specific functional brain networks,” said Amy Kruse, PhD, Optios’ Chief Science Officer. “From a practical applications perspective, the study demonstrates a new capability in targeting functional brain networks adding tremendous value to brain training and neuroplasticity for those looking to enhance their performance.”

Insights from this study could lead to new tools and approaches to enhance the neurocognitive performance of elite performers in a variety of professions. Future work to replicate and extend these training models by Optios are currently underway.

“I’ve always had good focus at work but the amount of information that I could focus on was limited. Now I can focus on more things without a decrease in my performance.”

—Study Participant

About Optios

Optios is a NeuroPerformance company that uses proprietary, cutting-edge neurotechnology to help the world’s most elite performers unlock their brain’s exponential capacity and optimize their performance and productivity. Our Human 2.0® Brain Upgrade program is based on rigorous science and delivers exceptional outcomes that transform the human experience, enabling elite performers to realize their full potential. Our leadership team includes top neuroscientists from DARPA and senior business executives who previously built five successful companies. Optios has an extensive IP portfolio grounded in $300M worth of research.

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